The days of winter keep rolling by and everyday I am hoping to see snowflakes fall from the sky. We had a few flakes here and there a handful of times, but not enough to cover the ground or even make sidewalks slippery. Then Monday came and finally some real snow hit the ground. Off and on all day big fluffy snowflakes began to cover city sidewalks and streets. Its funny how snow makes anything beautiful, and I embrace the this. Immediately after work I grabbed my tripod and camera and headed up to Sherwood Gardens in the upper-class community of Guilford. It was a beautiful and crisp evening.

I woke up early and headed to Druid Hill Park, which is usually sketchy, in the western section of the city. However, in the snow it seems like a peaceful and dream-like place with no one around. I could get used to this.

I find it hard to get out of bed on cold winter mornings, but as soon as I see snow I jump out of bed and I want to be walking in it, photographing it, and embracing it. The cold weather suddenly doesn't bother me when there is snow on the ground.